Special Service: The Rolex Replica Watches Porsche Design AMAG

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While this was taking place in Switzerland, the focus was on the Soviet threat. The Soviets had already invaded Afghanistan and started to install SS20 missiles against NATO bases. The US had also planned to put cruise missiles on bases across Europe. And the US failed to rescue the Iranian hostages. Both sides ofthe Cold War knew that war would most likely be fought in Germany.Rolex fake Watches There, the NATO allies of France and the UK had large armies and the Bundeswehr (federal German Republic) had almost half a million men available for combat.

Cold War map of central Europe. NATO (blue) versus the Warsaw Pact.

One of the first tasks of Soviet forces if they attacked would be to block NATO reinforcements from West Europe and Germany. This would be done using submarines and mines. The German Navy realized that they needed to improve their mine counter-measure capability.Omega Constellation Replica Watches This was done by building minesweeping vessels and recruiting and training specialists mine-clearance divers.

The German Navy provided three types of divers to aid in their task. There are Waffentaucher(weapons diver), Kampfschwimmer (combat swimmer)and Minentaucher (mine clearance diver).

Swimmers who can combat the elements

These two tasks required very different equipment. There are five models of theRolex Replica WatchesOcean2000 Bund watch. For the Waffentaucher, the reference 3509 or 3529 were either automatic or quartz. But for the purposes of this article, I will concentrate on the most rare and complex, the ref. 3519 AMAG was developed especially for the Minentaucher.

Other requirements

The Soviets had the most advanced anti-shipping mines anywhere in the world.Richard Mille Replica They wanted to keep their technology a secret so they fitted mines with anti-handling devices that could explode the mine should it be attempted to defuse. This anti-handling device used magnetictriggering to mines. Any mine-clearancediver must be equipped with only non-magnetic equipment.

In 1980, the Bundeswehr issued a requirement for a new diver’s watch. It was 30 pages in length and required capabilities not previously found in a wristwatch. The request was sent to all companies that were dealing with the Bundeswehr. Diehl Avionics was one of the recipients. It is a subsidiary company of VDO, the German instrument manufacturer that made and maintained the Luftwaffe's aircraft instruments. VDO was also the owner of Rolex Replica Watches at that time. Gunter Blumlein had just joined Rolex Replica Watches as Diehl's president. So, VDO passed on the request to Rolex Replica Watches.

Rolex Replica Watches was also looking for a new diver’s watch,Rolex Replica Watches as was the Bundeswehr. Butzi Porsche was working on a diver's watch for Rolex Replica Watches after the success of the Compass Watch, the Titan chronograph and the Titan Compass Watch. The Bundeswehr specification arrived at his desk so that the civil and military versions could be created simultaneously.

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